
Like a Dream and Fantasy



Well guys, this is a really really holiday after all the things went off. I have doing several activity. Last 3 weeks, I have done my study in course (gosh that's make me tired), then I have a beautiful memories with my last moment of the school years, 'GRADUATION' at last saturday. 2 days ago til yesterday I have done my (!#@$&%$^&@!) test 'SNMPTN' (hopefully I pass it and accepted in...). And now I'm FRRRREEEEEE. I have several activity to spent off my loooong loooong holiday. Well, my first project is 'MY ROOM'. I'll make up it, remove the unused, and make it like a 'room sweet room'. Then the second project I'll make the album of 'memories maker'. I'll collect all my memories of the rest of my life (haha). Huh, but I don't know what must I do first to make it. And the third project is make an OWL doll (dedicate to owl city).
But the important thing of these several activity is.. pray.. for all of my effort, all of my work, resigned to God, realize God is everything, hopefully I'll be a success person and make the people around me (who have make me be like this) proud of me. I'm sure that I can pass it, I accepted in, and be success so that I can useful for this country. AMIIN..


consist of two words that are "BEST" and "FRIEND", that means someone or some of your special friends "beside you" in your each days, each nights, each problems. If you cry, best friend will always beside you to give you a hug, even if you happy, you will share with your best friends.

Well, for me, best friend is fake. So far, I have no true best friend (apologize to all my friends). My best friends slowly disappear from me, I don't know why but it was the hardest, the sickest thing I've ever had. Liars, all of them. They said that they want to be my best friends, but it was just fake at all. They even never know about me, about anything happen to me. Well, I won't talk about it too much, I just want you to know if I don't believe in best friends, but I still trust friends and especially, I trust myself. I love being alone...

Have you ever felt disappointed because of your chance to get your dreams is disappear caused by irresponsible persons ?

I felt it now, I'm very very disappointed because of the consultant system in my school. It started when I want to registered S1 program at my favorite college. I had a recommendation from my school to pass an national selection program to the state college which is held without any test. It followed by students who has 75% best in class. I'm on it, I was the second rank in my class. I had paid the register payment IDR 175.000. Although in its website had been announced the registration date. I'm afraid if I did it alone, and I won't do it haste, so I must wait the consultant's announcement about my favorite college. They said (the consultants) if the registration will be closed in few weeks ago (still long time).

One day I heard from my friends in another school about the registration in my favorite college had been closed. I was shocked about it and I checked in the website and i got nothing. I thought that it just in other selection program in that university. Then I checked it to the consultant next morning, they said that it just still long time, I convince them again and again to ensure it, but i got the same answer. Then I believed it.

Then the next day in the last lessons I got the announcement from the consultant to give the files to completing the requirements to my favorite college. And after the bells rang, I was shock hearing the other friends said that the registration in my favorite college was closed. I felt that the consultant had an error in their duty. So, I went home faster to complete the requirements.

The next morning I ask to the consultant why it can happen. Then he answered with innocent face “It was our faults” WHAT? Just those words. It was the one of his innocence. It was so many innocence words that said by him and it made me confuse and stress.

After the break time I tried to ask the consultant (again). And he said that I didn’t need to sent the file now because tomorrow we must fill the verification then if it’s work we must sent the file. After I browse the web, I thought it’s not my program that I follow but he always keep his opinion. Once again I’m very confuse. Now, I don’t know what must I do? Many different suggestion from my friends or that consultant make me confuse. I think not only me that feel this condition but also the others that choose these favorite college. I just think, whatever it happen but I must finish my duty to pass the national examination. I’m still hoping on. I still have one other choice. And I know if I’m not pass that not tested program I still follow another program whether it test or not. It’s okay if I not pass my favorite college, there’s many university that can accepted me.

Where there’s a will there’s a way.. GANBATTE ESTI!!!

Owl City - To The Sky